This unit largely talked about more systems in our body that we probably know less about than others. The digestive system unit taught us about the structures and functions of our super long digestive track, shown in the lab in the following link.
Additionally, we learned about diabetes 1 and 2, which really shows us the importance of learning about health to actually stay healthy and avoid diabetes. Finally, we learned about the endocrine system and the lymphatic system, which also taught us a lot about the different ways our bodies take care of themselves. I already knew about our immune system for the most part, but I really found the Ted talk regarding sleep and the lymphatic system particularly interesting as it tied into the importance of sleep and actual connections to Alzheimer with evidence through research. One thing I liked about this unit was the further investigation/research we did at the end of the unit. It was brief and easy enough to not become a burden of an assignment, yet it broadened our horizons, especially when we were able to share and discuss with other students. It's all just part of the learning process, and that activity made it enjoyable and informative. I was really able to discover more about a topic I was genuinely curious about, and it was great to finally get some more information about prediabetes. In terms of my goals, so far I think I'm doing well. I've been pumping out covers, but I need to make sure I maintain my grades for all my classes. Glad I'm doing okay so far in this one.