Monday, January 4, 2016

New Year's Goals

New Year's Goals

I will get at least a 90% in this class. 
I will do every homework assignment and organize all my work.
I will study comprehensively before every test, always questioning and testing myself to prepare.
I will not procrastinate for homework or studying.
I will study early, so I don't cram the day before the test.
I will plan and gauge my time wisely so I can sleep early, and get enough sleep.
I will make sure I have time for all my classes.
I will balance my time so I have time for my other activities. 

I will make at least 15 covers before the end of the year, with at least 5 collaborations with other people. 
I will make at least 3 covers per month.
I will make time to work on covers every week.
I will plan ahead to work with people.
I will schedule and work out audio and visuals. 
I will pour more effort into my channel. 

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