Saturday, February 27, 2016

Unit 6 Reflection

In this unit we really reinforced our understanding of Anatomy and Physiology. After all, this unit really reiterated the differences between structure and function within the bones, joints, tendons, and ligaments of the skeletal system. We are first off refreshed with a little taste of Unit 1, where we learned that bones are split between axial and appendicular. Then we learned about the regeneration of bones known as bone remodeling with osteocytes running it, osteoblasts breaking down bone, and osteoclasts rebuilding bone. Different bone types include long, short, flat, and irregular, which all serve different purposes in different parts of our body. We also learned about disorders, or essentially when our "perfect" system has some mishaps or undergoes accidents. Arthritis, osteoporosis, and scoliosis are examples of disorders, and accidents include complete and incomplete fractures. We then dived into a little bit of physics to learn how levers worked to gain an understanding of how our joints worked. We also learned about the different classifications. Functional classifications include synarthroses, amphiarthroses, and diarthroses, which reflects little to no movement, slight movement, and free movement, respectively. Structural classifications are fibrous, cartilagenous, and synovial, which fit relatively into the different functional classifications as well. For example, a synovial joint is almost always diarthroses.

Most of the labs we did in this unit were just investigations into the different bones in our bodies, but one particularly exciting one was the owl pellet lab. It was interesting to discover for our own the different bones in a different animal. Learning how their bones worked and fit together was also very insightful. I am actually really satisfied with the amount of knowledge we hopefully acquired from this unit. I've been thinking for a while now, and I really don't have any questions. I think we learned about this system rather holistically, and I don't see anything that we could've missed. I can't think of anything that I want to learn that I haven't already learned. I'd say good job to myself for learning the material, but I think the credit really goes to our teacher as he was able to fit all the right information into the time allotted for this unit.

I think I've been able to balance all my events rather well, although I could really use some more sleep. 20 time is going to be a blast, but I don't want to reveal anything about that quite yet.

All in all, I learned a lot about the skeletal system, and am really satisfied with everything I've learned.

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