Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Performance Enhancements Advertisement


I've definitely heard of steroids before, but I had no idea how bad the side effects were. I thought they only had long term negative effects on the muscles, but there were a couple defects I didn't know about, like the reduction of sperm, or even something close to gender swapping, with the women's voice dropping and men developing breasts. It all makes sense, but it still is jaw dropping. I think most of the man made techniques and products are quite hazardous, but there are a few that I would regard as safer. Massages seem to only be positive, and while caffeine definitely can cause insomnia and even addiction, I can't tell you how many times I needed that extra boost to get me through school. Also, the diets were quite interesting, with the carbs and the proteins. I was doing some web surfing, and actually actors like Chris Evans, Hugh Jackman, and Chris Pratt often had to turn to certain protein diets and daily workout sessions to reach a certain physique for the role they were to cast. Most of their days consisted of lifting and eating pounds of chicken and fish, and simple greens like broccoli, but avoiding sugar and alcohol. It's definitely uncomfortable from what I've read, but that's probably because humans weren't exactly made to just be work out machines. It's fascinating that we can learn so much about these things which have so much real life application.

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