Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Brain Dissection


2) Brain stem- regulates automatic systems such as heart beat and breathing
Cerebellum- coordinates voluntary movement
 Cerebrum- divided into four lobes and controls thought and action
Posterior- back part of the brain Anterior- front part of the brain

3) The myelin, part of the myelin sheath, help the electrical impulses move faster.


5) Thalamus- controls information between cerebral cortex and lower brain helping with sesnory interpretation
Corpus Callosum- bridge between two hemispheres
Medulla Oblangota- controls heartbeat and breathing Pons- controls information between cerebrum and cerebellum
Mid Brain- controls vision and hearing
Hypothalamus- helps control the endocrine system and hormone levels
Optic Nerve- transfers information from optic nerve to brain


Relate and Review
In this lab we opened up a sheep brain and located the different parts of the brain. In this unit we learned about the parts of the brain, and their functions. With the help of the clay model we did, this lab helped give us a better visual representation of what those parts look like, and how they all fit together. This dissection helped us understand the shape and functions of each of the parts as well as gave us hands on experience. I feel like I got a much better understanding of each part of the brain, and the smaller pieces that make up each part, like grey matter.

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