Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Health Collage

When our group was asked to define health, we had several answers that we individually came up with. However, when we came together to decide on one definition, we settled with a single word: happiness. I really enjoyed this particular thinking, right or wrong as it may be. Mental health really affects overall health, I believe. There is no point in exercising and forcing yourself on a diet if you cannot be happy with your life. Everybody is unique, and it's a shame that some don't realize that and take advantage of the fact that they're alive. Along this note, I'm a rather positive person, so I would say that my strongest pillar for my health is the fact that I worry so little. My stress levels are relatively controlled, and I never, ever let my anxiety control me. I can be emotional, but that does not change my positive outlook on life and my mental state. Unfortunately, this really affects one of my other pillars. Not worrying sometimes makes me a little slow regarding my efficiency with work, and I end up sleeping very late. My sleep schedule is not healthy, and I have had many many microsleeps during school, and sadly behind the wheel in the past. I definitely need to work on that. I have learned a lot about health, especially regarding nutrition and functions of certain nutrients, but I'd think it be nice to learn more about exercise, and the different types of exercise.

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