Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Unit 1 Reflection

This unit was all about introducing us to anatomy and physiology, as well as giving us some basic information on cells and histology. Some essential themes were:
Form fits function.
Anatomical Directional Terms help locate a specific place on the body.
Four macromolecules: carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, lipids
Four tissues- epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous
Extracellular matrix- Fibroblasts, Macrophages, Adipocytes, Mast cells
Inflammation- neural response to damage, allergies
I had a lot of prior background knowledge, having taken freshman biology and AP biology, but the specificity on the tissues is a new page I have turned. I took in everything rather smoothly, and I can safely say I understand everything well. In the tissue lab, I was able to take a closer look at a lot of cells from all the types of tissues, and I got a tidbit of an experience of what it's like for a scientist who works with human biological cells and tissues. This can easily be applied to medical research and developing cures. It's obvious that it can be used for diagnoses, and being able to identify harmful things will definitely be something interesting if we were to go into that in the future. The preface is really nice though. A histologist is actually rather important in the medical field, and along with some computer work, there's also a lot of hands on stuff going on. It's awesome that we could get a taste of what it's like at such a young age. This unit has been a great start to a year that I am looking forward to!

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