Monday, October 26, 2015

Snack Time~

1) Snack time can be every day as long you keep it under 200 calories and it isn't composed of unhealthy and non-nutritious foods.
2) Healthy snacks- nutrients, unsaturated fats, proteins, low amount of carbs and sugars
3) Stay away from foods high in added sugars, preservatives, carbs, and processed foods. Keep it under 200 calories, avoid food with high sodium.
Apples-vitamins, heart, nutritious
Peanut butter-vitamins, heart, protein
Almonds-lower risk of cancer, heart disease, protein
Liked that we made food! Big fan of peanut butter, and the one we used wasn't too sweet, but it also wasn't salted or anything.
Good job Alexandria and Simrun!

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