Thursday, November 12, 2015

Unit 3 Reflection

This unit was all about the cardiovascular system, which involves the numerous information regarding the heart and the blood vessels which essentially give us life. In the beginning, we learned about blood pressure and heart rate, while learning the inside of the heart muscle. We also learned where blood went to and from the heart and the rest of the body. Atherosclerosis and aneurysms are examples of unhealthy blood vessels primarily based on the diet of the individual. Less unsaturated fats, less overcarbsumption, less sodium, and more exercise are difficult but healthy options to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system. I was really fascinated and frankly scared about the risks of heart disease and type 2 diabetes, and the causes seemed so difficult to avoid. I have maintained my stress levels, but my sleeping habits are difficult to amend as college apps and numerous homework assignments, tests, and other activities take up the majority of my time awake during the day. I have been eating less, as I recognized that my old habits of diet were excessive in calories and carbs. Snacks for me are mostly fruits now. My cortisol levels may be unhealthy because of my sleep debt, but I will hopefully be able to shake off my workload soon to sleep more. This unit has taught me a lot about arteries and veins, and although I seemed to have grasped their concepts, I think, if I remember correctly, I had difficulty with different functions of specifics like the separation of oxygen rich and oxygen poor blood. I probably need to test myself more, as my studying habits occasionally drift to just going over notes. Self testing is really important, as I remember from one of the do-nows in, I believe, this unit. I will do more of it to score higher on tests and overall retain all the information, as it is actually invaluable knowledge that directly applies to me and my lifestyle. I can become a healthier person and help others to become healthier with this wisdom of cardiovascular health. Type 2 diabetes and obesity are real problems these days, and I want to make an impact on this common unhealthy occurrence. 

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